church steeple cross sunset

Church steeple. Lawrenceville, GA.

I have a Christmas song stuck in my head for almost a week now. I woke up with it one morning and since then I haven't been able to get rid of it. The chorus keeps resounding in my mind - the words are more real now than ever. The song tells a story, a real actual story of hope.

At the same time, especially lately, we mostly hear of stories that are not so great. Stories of tragedy, hate, violence, and we could keep going on. The world around us seems to be getting worse rather than better. It's the kind of stories you don't want to hear about, the kind you wish that they were all make-believe.

Looking at it all, it almost seems like there is no hope, no remedy, no one to play the hero and restore all things. People have turned to their leaders for a solution and found none. Others have tried to take matters into their own hands and did not go too far. The world is searching for a savior to come in and save the day, someone who would bring change and hope for a better tomorrow. And the reality is that hope cannot be found in people, or in powers, or in governments, or in any other things of this world.

Hope is found in a story, a real story that took place a long time ago.

And the story goes like this:

A child has been given,
The King of our freedom
Sing for the light has come
This is Christmas

Come and adore Him
And bring gifts before Him
Joy to the world
Worship the Son
This is Christmas

Jesus, Emmanuel here with us
Tell all the world
We have a Savior
We have a Savior
We are no longer lost
'Cause He has come down for us
We have a Savior
We have a Savior

(We have a Savior by Hillsong United)

There is only one solution to the brokenness around us. There is only one savior and hero. There is only one hope for our future. Jesus Christ came from heaven to earth in order to save, to restore, to heal, to set free, to offer hope and peace and joy, and the promise of eternal life. He is the One we can turn to in our searching. He is the One who sees and understands the hardships we go through. He is the One who saves and can restore all things.

Jesus promised His peace and presence for the present, and eternal life for the future, to all who believe in Him.

Jesus is the hero of this story we call life.

Jesus is Emmanuel, God with us.

Jesus is the light in our darkness.

Jesus is our Savior.

And this is our hope.

“For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder, and His name shall be called, Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” (Isaiah 9:6)

“Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” (John 14:27)


A Time for Everything