The Gift of Today

“He has caused His wondrous works to be remembered; the Lord is gracious and merciful.” (Psalm 111:4)

It seems like time has been passing by faster than usual lately, and with life events and the day to day routines, it’s easy to forget what a gift today is. But, in His grace, God has given you and me a brand new day. And He has done so for the millions of people that are all over the earth. It is not by our own might or power that we woke up this morning. And not because we are doing all the right things. It is because God is merciful and He displayed His mercy towards us yet again. And this is just one of His many works. If we look at the world around us, we can see the sun shinning brightly outside, flowers blooming, birds building nests to lay their eggs, little critters coming up from the ground, and countless other wonders. All because God, in His majesty, causes His work to be displayed over all creation. Everything has its place, its timing, its purpose. And if we would take a moment to stop, and look at it all, we would behold the greatness of our God. Each day of this life is a gift. Every morning we get the chance to start anew. And today, whether we find ourselves at the start of a new day, or in the middle of it or at the end, let us look at the wondrous works of God. Let us remember all that He has done and bring Him thanks for who He is. God has done great works throughout the generations and He is doing great works still for me and you today.


Not Afraid


A Father in Heaven