The Request for Help

“I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” (Psalm 121:1-2)

In this Psalm, the writer shows us that he looked to God for help during the day and during the night, when coming in and when going out. He placed his trust in the Lord and he was dependent on Him for help at all times.

I think the hardest thing for some of us to do is to ask for help. For me personally, I would rather figure things out on my own. But, I have learned through experience that things are much easier and can turn out into a greater blessing when I ask for some help. And just like we would reach out to a friend for help with a task, we can ask the Lord for help in any situation. I have found God to be faithful and ready to come to my aid when I faced big and hard issues, but also in dealing with small and mundane things. From help on a school test (back when I was in school), to baking a loaf of bread, to running errands or helping a friend, to speaking in front of people (which is not my forte), or having to face hard emotional or life situations. God showed Himself strong in the things I asked Him for help. And I believe He wants to do that for you and me every day. As we surrender our daily schedules to Him, and talk to Him about our desires and goals, and ask for His help, we will see His hand at work. No task is too small or big for Him. So, let us learn from the Psalmist and run to God for help as we come in and go out, during the day and at night. Let us place our trust in Him. He is a faithful and powerful God who works on behalf of those who wait upon Him.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)


Wait for the Lord


Not Afraid