“I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in His word I hope;” (Psalm 130:5)

Waiting can be difficult. And I think sometimes we make it look easy to others, but on the inside we are struggling. Waiting is not just a saying, but it’s a personal decision we make that we show through our daily actions. In this Psalm, the writer mentions that even the deepest, hidden parts of him were waiting for the Lord. He had resolved to place his trust in God with every part of his being. His hope was in what God had said and his eyes were fixed on the Lord.

I have found myself in this process of waiting many times, and I am in one now, as I write this. Some seasons have been harder than others. But, one of the things that have kept me going is the faithfulness of God that I’ve seen in the past. He always came through. Even when I thought He was late, His timing proved to be perfect. And I have learned that the best way to wait is like the psalmist, holding on to God and keeping my eyes fixed on Him. And it’s not always easy. Comparison and discontent creep in like a thief and steal our joy and peace. But over and over again we can come to the Lord and ask for help to keep on trusting in Him. And, like the Psalmist, we can resolve to place our hope in God, to look to Him for our solution and trust that He will work on our behalf. And so today, as we all find ourselves in our own unique season of waiting, let us persevere and not give up. God has an appointed time, the perfect time, for all things He has in store for us. He has been faithful so far and He is faithful still. Let us wait for the Lord.


Steadfast Love


The Request for Help