“It is He who remembered us in our low estate,
    for His steadfast love endures forever;
and rescued us from our foes,
    for His steadfast love endures forever;”
(Psalm 136:23-24)

Steadfast love. A love that is not easily moved, that does not change based on feelings or circumstances. A love that is constant and faithful. A love that is present when no one else is and shows up in the hardest of times.

The Psalmist knew God’s love. He had experienced it. He saw God’s love expressed in creation. He saw God’s love on display in the many great miracles that God performed over time. And He saw God’s love in action when he was in despair and captured by his enemies. He talked about God’s steadfast love 26 times in this Psalm alone. He was certain of it. Through every circumstance of his life, God’s love had not changed.

And, God’s love is still steadfast today towards each of us. Though our lives and situations are different, we can all look back and see how God was always there for us. How He has never left us or forsaken us. How He took care of us even if we had to go through hard circumstances. How He forgave us over and over again, and how He continues to show us new mercies every morning. How He protected us and provided for us countless times. How He accepted us when others rejected us. How He remained faithful when we were unfaithful. How He rescued us and set us free from captivity. And how He bestows on us so many other blessings each and every day. He loves us more than we could ever deserve. Because this is who He is (see 1 John 4:8). And wherever we find ourselves today, we can be certain of this: that God is love and His love towards us is steadfast and it endures forever.


Cast Your Burden


Wait for the Lord