Cast your burden on the Lord, and He will sustain you;
He will never permit the righteous to be moved.
(Psalm 55:22)

Do you feel burdened? Anxious? Worried? Give it to the Lord God. I KNOW this can sound cliche and even too easy, but that is truly the answer. Talk to the Lord about the things that burden you and any hard situation you find yourself in. The Psalmist left us a great example of how to do just that. His first step was to go to God and ask for mercy. He then told God about all his troubles with people and the difficult situations he was facing. He knew he could not solve things on his own, so he asked God for help. He poured out the anguish of his soul to the Lord. And he did not give up, but persisted in bringing his requests to God multiple times a day. He placed his trust in the Lord for a solution and he asked God to work on his behalf. And his conclusion at the end of the day is found in verse 22.

I don’t know what you are facing or what burdens you, but God does. And He is ready to sustain you and strengthen you as you bring it all to Him. Tell the Lord all your troubles, leave them in His hands and trust Him to work on your behalf. I’ve seen God display His power and solve things better than I ever could whenever I just laid it all before Him and asked for help. He is so ready to come to our aid, to give us His peace, and to strengthen us. Don’t keep putting it off. Go to Him today and go to Him constantly. Cast your burden on the Lord, and He will sustain you.


God on our side


Steadfast Love