We have a Shepherd

“Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel, You who lead Joseph like a flock. You who are enthroned upon the cherubim, shine forth.” (Psalm 80:1)

When the Psalmist cried out to God in this Psalm, he referred to God as the Shepherd of Israel. The Psalmist knew the characteristics of a shepherd. He knew that the Shepherd can be trusted. He knew that the Shepherd is there to lead. He knew that the Shepherd can take care of His own and rescue them when in distress. He knew that the Shepherd will not abandon His people but save them, just like He did before. The Psalmist knew the Shepherd.

And though this Psalm was written many years ago, the reality of the Shepherd is still a truth in our time. And His characteristics can be seen and known as we go through different circumstances in life. How He takes care of us when we are in need, and leads us to a place of rest when we are tired. How He restores our soul when we have been hurt, and directs us in the right pathway for our lives. How He strengthens us when we face enemies and sets us free from their grasp. And then comforts us and makes His presence known in the darkest of times. And the list can continue as we go along the way, but no matter what we face, we can rest assured that we have a Shepherd today.


A Place of Refuge


A Life of Surrender