Battle Strategies

“Lord, how many are my foes!
How many rise up against me!”
(Psalm 3:1)

Reading this psalm recently I realized that enemies or foes can come in different ways. As Christians, most or all of our battles are spiritual in nature and thus our enemies are spiritual. And David the Psalmist left us a great example in how to face battles:

1)he presented his requests and told the Lord about his struggles

2)he told the Lord what his enemies were doing or saying to him

3)he asked the Lord for help against his enemies and even told the Lord what He should do to them

4)and lastly, he gave praise to God for fighting for him and for who God is and what He can do

Our struggles and battles against the enemy of our soul are no different. We can tell the Lord about them, bring to Him all the lies the enemy is throwing our way, and ask God for help. We don’t have to face any enemy or battle on our own. Jesus Christ already overcame the powers of the enemy on the cross, so in His Name we can have victory as well. And to not forget to bring God praise for who He is and what He can do on our behalf, even when we don’t yet see the victory.


Rescued from Many Waters


Praise the Lord