“Praise the Lord! For it is good to sing praises to our God; for it is pleasant, and a song of praise is fitting.” (Psalm 147:1)

I wasn’t always intentional about bringing praise to God throughout my day. For some reason, praise was always reserved for the church setting or singing along with the radio while driving. But I have learned that we can sing praise to God at any time, even when we are not in the “right” setting and even when no one else is singing. Praise is our response to who God is, to what He has done in creation and what He has done in our lives or the lives of others. No wonder that the psalmist is almost commanding us to praise the Lord. It is what we should be doing in response to who God is and what He has done. And praise changes our perspective; it shifts our gaze from hardships or hopelessness to the God who loves us, who created all things and who is abundant in power. It is good and fitting to praise the Lord of lords and King of kings who hears the prayers of His people and works miracles on their behalf. He is most worthy to be praised!


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