Rescued from Many Waters

“He sent from on high, He took me; He drew me out of many waters. He rescued me from my strong enemy, from those who hated me, for they were too mighty for me.” (2 Samuel 22:17-18)

I was recently talking with a friend about verse 17. The Bible does not mention any stories about David physically drowning in water and God having to rescue him. But, looking at the the context of this chapter, we can assume that “many waters” can refer to the battles David faced with his enemies, the enemies that were stronger and mightier than him. One thing that I was left with after the conversation with my friend is that what God did for David, He can also do for us. We all face “many waters” that we need rescue from. We all face situations that look too big, too overwhelming, too hard for us to handle on our own. And if not actual situations, then maybe thoughts of doubt and fear and other lies of the enemy. God has not changed and He can rescue and deliver powerfully just like He did before. And when He does, we will be able to tell others, just like David did, how our God rescued us from “many waters”.


Eyes on the Lord


Battle Strategies