Be Still and Know
Be still, and know that I am God.
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth! (Psalm 46:10)
One of the hardest things to do at times, from a toddler wanting to explore everything around them to a grown-up person waiting their turn in a check-out line, is to be still. We would rather be doing something, anything, than to have to wait, to be quiet, to sit still. And yet, the Psalmist in Psalm 46, invites us into a new way of approaching situations. Though there was trouble and conflict and the world seemed to be falling apart, the psalmist spoke of who God is in the midst of it all, what God had done and what He can do. His circumstances did not diminish the greatness of God. On the contrary, these were all new opportunities for God to display His power.
And today we are reminded yet again that nothing is too difficult for our God. The answer is still the same - the Lord is God and He is above all. He is our strength when we are weak, our fortress where we can find refuge and He is our help in the midst of trouble. And He is present. Whether we face impossible situations or whether everything is going smoothly, God is who His Word says He is. And the best response is to get to know Him, to invite Him into our situations, rely on His help and wait upon Him to intervene at the perfect time. And, to remember that the victory in any battle belongs to the Lord God and He deserves all the glory, always.