Hold Fast and Know
“Because he holds fast to Me in love, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he knows My Name.” (Psalm 91:14)
Sometimes, it is through the hardest of situations that we discover that what the Bible says about the character of God is true and that God can be trusted. And in those times, we get to know more of who God is and we get to see who He is for our lives and even for those around us. That He is not just the God of our parents and grandparents, or the God someone preaches about on Sunday, or the God who only worked in old Bible stories. But that He indeed is who He says He is and we can take Him at His Word. And that we can hold on to Him when the storm around us rages. God’s promise, like in the verse mentioned above, is that He will intervene on behalf of those who hold on to Him and know His name. And even if we have to go through trouble, we can trust Him that He is our present help in the midst of it, like Psalm 46:1 states.
I don’t know what you are facing today, or in this season, but I want to encourage you to not go at it alone. Don’t rely on your own wisdom or what you can do in your own power. Cry out to God for help. Read His Word so that you can know more of who He is and rely on Him. Then hold fast to Him in love and trust that He will work all things out for your good and display His glory.