Perfect Peace
“You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.” (Isaiah 26:3)
The pace of life we find ourselves in at times can be overwhelming. To-do lists, plans, worries and anxieties about the future can steal our peace. As children of God we can be living in a state of distress more than we would like to. But, Jesus in John 14:27 promised us a peace that the world cannot offer. And this short verse from Isaiah offers a practical step towards peace: we are to keep our mind on the Lord and trust in Him. This does not mean we ignore everything we need to do in this life, but on the contrary, as we go about our lives we invite the Lord in each situation. We re-focus on Him when worry tries to creep in. We surrender our burdens to Him and ask for help. We trust Him with our each and every day since He is the One who gave it to us. We give up control. Less about us and more about Him. And we learn from Paul’s instructions to the Philippians to not worry about anything, but to pray about everything and bring thanks to God, and He will give us a peace that passes all understanding and that is a protection over our minds and hearts (see Philippians 4:6-7). Perfect peace is possible and is available to us as we keep our minds on the Lord and choose to trust in Him every moment of our lives.